Version 0.14.0 (5 Apr, 2009) svn:// Summary of changes: * Increased clarity on licensing (Classpath exception mentioned in COPYING, removed LICENSE) * Resolved infinite recursion on TRACEing the compiler * Changes on the lisp based build system for parity with Ant * Fixed interpreter creation in Java Scripting * no longer created; it was solely about installing a SIGINT handler. Libraries should not do that. * boxing of LispObject descendants in JCALL/JCALL-RAW fixed * OpenBSD and NetBSD platform detection * fixed special bindings restores in compiled code for MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND/LET/LET*/PROGV and function bodies * introduced variadic list() function to replace list1() ... list9() * fix return value type of ACOS with complex argument * fixed precision of multiplication of complex values * fixed use of COMPILE inside file compilation (i.e. COMPILE-FILE) * fix expansion of macros inside RESTART-CASE (fixes RESTART-CASE ANSI failures) * fix macroexpansion in the precompiler * Fixnum and Bignum now use a static factory method; constructors are now private -> increases chances of numbers being EQ * Code cleanup in EXPT to fix (EXPT ) Version 0.13.0 (28 Feb, 2009) svn:// Summary of changes: * Separated J and ABCL into two trees * Many many compiler code cleanups * NetBeans project files * Support for CDR6 (See * More efficient code emission in the compiler * Ant build targets for testing (abcl.test) * Use ConcurrentHashMap to store the lisp threads for increased performance * Fix adjustability of expressly adjustable arrays (ticket #28) * Fix calculation of upperbound on ASH in the compiler (don't calculate numbers too big, instead, return '*') * Introduce LispInteger as the super type of Bignum and Fixnum * Boxing/unboxing for SingleFloat and DoubleFloat values, inclusive of unboxed calculations * Fixed URL decoding bug in loadCompiledFunction (use * Fixed line number counting * Inlining of simple calculations (+/-/*) * All static fields declared 'final' * Add support for java.lang.Long based on Bignum to our FFI