The implementation now runs on the openjdk6, openjdk7, openjdk8,
openjdk11, openjdk13, and openjdk14 JVM runtimes.
[r15305][r15306][r15307] The :NIO symbol is now present in
CL:*FEATURES*, denoting the use of java.nio.ByteBuffer
et. al. in the implementation of arrays specialized on
commonly used unsigned byte-types. CL:MAKE-ARRAY now has
the :NIO-BUFFER and :NIO-DIRECT keyword arguments useful
in the construction of such arrays.
[r15280][r15283] The default implementation for
CL:DISASSEMBLE has been switched from jad to javap. The
SYS:CHOOSE-ASSEMBLER interface is now able to switch
between the jad, javap, fernflower, Procyon, and CFR
backends provided as loaded ASDF definitions contained in
the ABCL-INTROSPECT contrib.
[r15268] ABCL-BUILD:DIRECTORY-HASHES outputs the SHA256
hashes of files in a directory.
[r15282] The ABCL-INTROSPECT contrib now adds the
EXT:WRITE-CLASS method to write the bytecode representation of a
Java class to disk.
[r15293] The Dockerfile has been updated to use openjdk11
- [r15292] Fixed all known outstanding problems with
DECODE-FLOAT for values less than normalized floats.
- [r15287] Attempts to fill specialized 32-bit arrays with
elements greater than 2^32-1 now properly signals a type error.
[r15267] ABCL-BUILD:ANT/CALL no longer signals an error on
failure instead reporting associated error messages.
[r15281] Autoconfiguration for builds on supported
platforms extended.
[r15290] The invocation of CL-BENCH now utilizes its ASDF definition.
[r15294][r15298] The contents of the <file:ci/> directory are now
included in the source release, and have had all mention of
TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR removed decoupling their use from the presence of
[r15277] (pdietz) Additional tests for compiler failures.
[r15278][r15279] (phoe) Added tests for unbound slots
[r15284][r15285][r15288] The CI now tests the ability
to use OpenSSL via CL+SSL.
[r15289] The CI now tests the version CFFI with
- [r15291] The CI now tests IRONCLAD.
These changes may be viewed directly at CHANGES.
Release notes for older releases of ABCL.