;;; top-level.lisp ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Peter Graves ;;; $Id$ ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; ;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you ;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an ;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent ;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under ;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked ;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that ;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from ;;; or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend ;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not ;;; obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this ;;; exception statement from your version. ;;; Adapted from SB-ACLREPL (originally written by Kevin Rosenberg). (in-package #:system) (defvar *inspect-break* nil) (defvar *inspected-object-stack* nil) (defvar *inspected-object* nil) (in-package #:top-level) (import '(sys::%format sys::list-traced-functions sys::trace-1 sys::untrace-1 sys::untrace-all)) (defvar *null-cmd* (gensym)) (defvar *handled-cmd* (gensym)) (defvar *command-char* #\:) (defvar *cmd-number* 1 "Number of the next command") (defun prompt-package-name () (let ((result (package-name *package*))) (dolist (nickname (package-nicknames *package*)) (when (< (length nickname) (length result)) (setf result nickname))) result)) (defun repl-prompt-fun (stream) (fresh-line stream) (when (> *debug-level* 0) (%format stream "[~D~A] " *debug-level* (if sys::*inspect-break* "i" ""))) (%format stream "~A(~D): " (prompt-package-name) *cmd-number*)) (defparameter *repl-prompt-fun* #'repl-prompt-fun) (defun peek-char-non-whitespace (stream) (loop (let ((c (read-char stream nil))) (when (null c) ; control d (quit)) (unless (eql c #\space) (unread-char c stream) (return c))))) (defun apropos-command (args) (when args (apropos args))) (defun continue-command (args) (when args (let ((n (read-from-string args))) (let ((restarts (compute-restarts))) (when (< -1 n (length restarts)) (invoke-restart-interactively (nth n restarts))))))) (defun describe-command (args) (let ((obj (eval (read-from-string args)))) (describe obj))) (defun error-command (ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) (when *debug-condition* (let* ((s (%format nil "~A" *debug-condition*)) (len (length s))) (when (plusp len) (setf (schar s 0) (char-upcase (schar s 0))) (unless (eql (schar s (1- len)) #\.) (setf s (concatenate 'string s ".")))) (%format *debug-io* "~A~%" s)) (show-restarts (compute-restarts) *debug-io*))) (defun print-frame (frame stream &key prefix) (when prefix (write-string prefix stream)) (etypecase frame (sys::lisp-stack-frame (let ((frame (sys:frame-to-list frame))) (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")") (ignore-errors (prin1 (car frame) stream) (let ((args (cdr frame))) (if (listp args) (format stream "~{ ~_~S~}" args) (format stream " ~S" args))))))) (sys::java-stack-frame (write-string (sys:frame-to-string frame) stream)))) (defun backtrace-command (args) (let ((count (or (and args (ignore-errors (parse-integer args))) 8)) (n 0)) (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-readably* nil) (*print-structure* nil) (*print-array* nil)) (dolist (frame *saved-backtrace*) (fresh-line *debug-io*) (print-frame frame *debug-io* :prefix (format nil "~3D: " n)) (incf n) (when (>= n count) (fresh-line *debug-io*) (return)))))) (fresh-line *debug-io*) (values)) (defun frame-command (args) (let* ((n (or (and args (ignore-errors (parse-integer args))) 0)) (frame (nth n *saved-backtrace*))) (when frame (with-standard-io-syntax (let ((*print-pretty* t) (*print-readably* nil) (*print-structure* nil)) (fresh-line *debug-io*) (print-frame frame *debug-io*))) (setf *** ** ** * * frame))) (values)) (defun inspect-command (args) (let ((obj (eval (read-from-string args)))) (inspect obj))) (defun istep-command (args) (sys::istep args)) (defun macroexpand-command (args) (let ((s (with-output-to-string (stream) (pprint (macroexpand (read-from-string args)) stream)))) (write-string (string-left-trim '(#\return #\linefeed) s))) (values)) (defvar *old-package* nil) (defun package-command (args) (cond ((null args) (%format *standard-output* "The ~A package is current.~%" (package-name *package*))) ((and *old-package* (string= args "-") (null (find-package "-"))) (rotatef *old-package* *package*)) (t (when (and (plusp (length args)) (eql (char args 0) #\:)) (setf args (subseq args 1))) (setf args (nstring-upcase args)) (let ((pkg (find-package args))) (if pkg (setf *old-package* *package* *package* pkg) (%format *standard-output* "Unknown package ~A.~%" args)))))) (defun reset-command (ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) (invoke-restart 'top-level)) (defun exit-command (ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) (exit)) (defvar *old-pwd* nil) (defun cd-command (args) (cond ((null args) (setf args (if (featurep :windows) "C:\\" (namestring (user-homedir-pathname))))) ((string= args "-") (if *old-pwd* (setf args (namestring *old-pwd*)) (progn (%format t "No previous directory.") (return-from cd-command)))) ((and (> (length args) 1) (string= (subseq args 0 2) "~/") (setf args (concatenate 'string (namestring (user-homedir-pathname)) (subseq args 2)))))) (let ((dir (probe-directory args))) (if dir (progn (unless (equal dir *default-pathname-defaults*) (setf *old-pwd* *default-pathname-defaults* *default-pathname-defaults* dir)) (%format t "~A" (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))) (%format t "Error: no such directory (~S).~%" args)))) (defun ls-command (args) (let ((args (if (stringp args) args "")) (ls-program (if (featurep :windows) "dir" "ls"))) (run-shell-command (concatenate 'string ls-program " " args) :directory *default-pathname-defaults*)) (values)) (defun tokenize (string) (do* ((res nil) (string (string-left-trim " " string) (string-left-trim " " (subseq string end))) (end (position #\space string) (position #\space string))) ((zerop (length string)) (nreverse res)) (unless end (setf end (length string))) (push (subseq string 0 end) res))) (defvar *last-files-loaded* nil) (defun ld-command (args) (let ((files (if args (tokenize args) *last-files-loaded*))) (setf *last-files-loaded* files) (dolist (file files) (load file)))) (defun cf-command (args) (let ((files (tokenize args))) (dolist (file files) (compile-file file)))) (defvar *last-files-cloaded* nil) (defun cload-command (args) (let ((files (if args (tokenize args) *last-files-cloaded*))) (setf *last-files-cloaded* files) (dolist (file files) (load (compile-file file))))) (defun rq-command (args) (let ((modules (tokenize (string-upcase args)))) (dolist (module modules) (require module)))) (defun pwd-command (ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) (%format t "~A~%" (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))) (defun trace-command (args) (if (null args) (%format t "~A~%" (list-traced-functions)) (dolist (f (tokenize args)) (trace-1 (read-from-string f))))) (defun untrace-command (args) (if (null args) (untrace-all) (dolist (f (tokenize args)) (untrace-1 (read-from-string f))))) (defconstant spaces (make-string 32 :initial-element #\space)) (defun pad (string width) (if (< (length string) width) (concatenate 'string string (subseq spaces 0 (- width (length string)))) string)) (defun %help-command (prefix) (let ((prefix-len (length prefix))) (when (and (> prefix-len 0) (eql (schar prefix 0) *command-char*)) (setf prefix (subseq prefix 1)) (decf prefix-len)) (%format t "~% COMMAND ABBR DESCRIPTION~%") (dolist (entry *command-table*) (when (or (null prefix) (and (<= prefix-len (length (entry-name entry))) (string-equal prefix (subseq (entry-name entry) 0 prefix-len)))) (%format t " ~A~A~A~%" (pad (entry-name entry) 12) (pad (entry-abbreviation entry) 5) (entry-help entry)))) (%format t "~%Commands must be prefixed by the command character, which is '~A'~A.~%~%" *command-char* (if (eql *command-char* #\:) " by default" "")))) (defun help-command (&optional ignored) (declare (ignore ignored)) (%help-command nil)) (defparameter *command-table* '(("apropos" "ap" apropos-command "apropos") ("bt" nil backtrace-command "backtrace n stack frames (default 8)") ("cd" nil cd-command "change default directory") ("cf" nil cf-command "compile file(s)") ("cload" "cl" cload-command "compile and load file(s)") ("continue" "cont" continue-command "invoke restart n") ("describe" "de" describe-command "describe an object") ("error" "err" error-command "print the current error message") ("exit" "ex" exit-command "exit lisp") ("frame" "fr" frame-command "set the value of cl:* to be frame n (default 0)") ("help" "he" help-command "print this help") ("inspect" "in" inspect-command "inspect an object") ("istep" "i" istep-command "navigate within inspection of an object") ("ld" nil ld-command "load a file") ("ls" nil ls-command "list directory") ("macroexpand" "ma" macroexpand-command "macroexpand an expression") ("package" "pa" package-command "change *PACKAGE*") ("pwd" "pw" pwd-command "print current directory") ("reset" "res" reset-command "return to top level") ("rq" nil rq-command "require a module") ("trace" "tr" trace-command "trace function(s)") ("untrace" "untr" untrace-command "untrace function(s)"))) (defun entry-name (entry) (first entry)) (defun entry-abbreviation (entry) (second entry)) (defun entry-command (entry) (third entry)) (defun entry-help (entry) (fourth entry)) (defun find-command (string) (let ((len (length string))) (when (and (> len 0) (eql (schar string 0) *command-char*)) (setf string (subseq string 1) len (1- len))) (dolist (entry *command-table*) (when (or (string-equal string (entry-abbreviation entry)) (string-equal string (entry-name entry))) (return (entry-command entry)))))) (defun process-cmd (form) (when (eq form *null-cmd*) (return-from process-cmd t)) (when (and (stringp form) (> (length form) 1) (eql (char form 0) *command-char*)) (let* ((pos (or (position #\space form) (position #\return form))) (command-string (subseq form 0 pos)) (args (if pos (subseq form (1+ pos)) nil))) (let ((command (find-command command-string))) (cond ((null command) (%format t "Unknown top-level command \"~A\".~%" command-string) (%format t "Type \"~Ahelp\" for a list of available commands." *command-char*)) (t (when args (setf args (string-trim (list #\space #\return) args)) (when (zerop (length args)) (setf args nil))) (funcall command args))))) t)) (defun read-cmd (stream) (let ((c (peek-char-non-whitespace stream))) (cond ((eql c *command-char*) (let* ((input (read-line stream)) (name (symbol-name (read-from-string input)))) (if (find-command name) (progn (process-cmd input) *handled-cmd*) (read-from-string (concatenate 'string ":" name))))) ((eql c #\newline) (read-line stream) *null-cmd*) (t (read stream nil))))) (defun repl-read-form-fun (in out) (loop (funcall *repl-prompt-fun* out) (finish-output out) (let ((form (read-cmd in))) (setf (charpos out) 0) (unless (eq form *null-cmd*) (incf *cmd-number*)) (cond ((or (eq form *null-cmd*) (eq form *handled-cmd*))) ((and (> *debug-level* 0) (fixnump form)) (let ((n form) (restarts (compute-restarts))) (if (< -1 n (length restarts)) (invoke-restart-interactively (nth n restarts)) (return form)))) (t (return form)))))) (defparameter *repl-read-form-fun* #'repl-read-form-fun) (defun repl (&optional (in *standard-input*) (out *standard-output*)) (loop (let* ((form (funcall *repl-read-form-fun* in out)) (results (multiple-value-list (sys:interactive-eval form)))) (dolist (result results) (fresh-line out) (prin1 result out))))) (defun top-level-loop () (fresh-line) (unless sys:*noinform* (%format t "Type \"~Ahelp\" for a list of available commands.~%" *command-char*)) (loop (setf *inspected-object* nil *inspected-object-stack* nil *inspect-break* nil) (with-simple-restart (top-level "Return to top level.") (if (featurep :j) (handler-case (repl) (stream-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) (return-from top-level-loop))) (repl)))))