(in-package :asdf) ;; dependencies: a list of maven artifacts. color or slash separated ;; components groupid:artifactid:versionid ;; managed-dependencies: a list of maven artifacts. If an dependency ;; with same groupid and artifactid are encountered, the version ;; specified here overrides. ;; exclusions: a list of partial maven artifacts ;; groupid:artifactid. Dependencies with same groupid and artifactid are ;; exluded (defclass mvn-module (component) ((depends :initarg :dependencies :initform nil :accessor mvn-module-depends) (excludes :initarg :exclusions :initform nil :accessor mvn-module-excludes) (managed :initarg :managed-dependencies :initform nil :accessor mvn-module-managed))) (defmethod component-children ((c mvn-module)) nil) ;;; ASDF problems: method is deprecated. How do we define MVN-MODULE, ;;; a subclass of ASDF:COMPONENT, which has no corresponding pathname? (defmethod source-file-type ((c mvn-module) (system parent-component)) nil) (defmethod perform ((op compile-op) (c mvn-module))) (defmethod perform ((op prepare-op) (c mvn-module))) (defmethod perform ((operation load-op) (c mvn-module)) (loop for path in (abcl-asdf:resolve-multiple-maven-dependencies (mvn-module-depends c) (mvn-module-managed c) (mvn-module-excludes c)) do (unless (member path abcl-asdf::*added-to-classpath* :test 'equalp) (jss::add-to-classpath path))))