;;;; ;;;; Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009 Tobias C. Rittweiler ;;;; ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; ;;;; See LICENSE for details. ;;;; (in-package :editor-hints.named-readtables) (defmacro define-cruft (name lambda-list &body (docstring . alternatives)) (assert (typep docstring 'string) (docstring) "Docstring missing!") (assert (not (null alternatives))) `(progn (declaim (inline ,name)) (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,docstring ,(first alternatives)))) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute) #+sbcl (when (find-symbol "ASSERT-NOT-STANDARD-READTABLE" (find-package "SB-IMPL")) (pushnew :sbcl+safe-standard-readtable *features*))) ;;;;; Implementation-dependent cruft ;;;; Mapping between a readtable object and its readtable-name. (defvar *readtable-names* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) (define-cruft %associate-readtable-with-name (name readtable) "Associate READTABLE with NAME for READTABLE-NAME to work." #+ :common-lisp (setf (gethash readtable *readtable-names*) name)) (define-cruft %unassociate-readtable-from-name (name readtable) "Remove the association between READTABLE and NAME." #+ :common-lisp (progn (assert (eq name (gethash readtable *readtable-names*))) (remhash readtable *readtable-names*))) (define-cruft %readtable-name (readtable) "Return the name associated with READTABLE." #+ :common-lisp (values (gethash readtable *readtable-names*))) (define-cruft %list-all-readtable-names () "Return a list of all available readtable names." #+ :common-lisp (list* :standard :current (loop for name being each hash-value of *readtable-names* collect name))) ;;;; Mapping between a readtable-name and the actual readtable object. ;;; On Allegro we reuse their named-readtable support so we work ;;; nicely on their infrastructure. #-allegro (defvar *named-readtables* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) #+allegro (defun readtable-name-for-allegro (symbol) (multiple-value-bind (kwd status) (if (keywordp symbol) (values symbol nil) ;; Kludge: ACL uses keywords to name readtables, we allow ;; arbitrary symbols. (intern (format nil "~A.~A" (package-name (symbol-package symbol)) (symbol-name symbol)) :keyword)) (prog1 kwd (assert (or (not status) (get kwd 'named-readtable-designator))) (setf (get kwd 'named-readtable-designator) t)))) (define-cruft %associate-name-with-readtable (name readtable) "Associate NAME with READTABLE for FIND-READTABLE to work." #+ :allegro (setf (excl:named-readtable (readtable-name-for-allegro name)) readtable) #+ :common-lisp (setf (gethash name *named-readtables*) readtable)) (define-cruft %unassociate-name-from-readtable (name readtable) "Remove the association between NAME and READTABLE" #+ :allegro (let ((n (readtable-name-for-allegro name))) (assert (eq readtable (excl:named-readtable n))) (setf (excl:named-readtable n) nil)) #+ :common-lisp (progn (assert (eq readtable (gethash name *named-readtables*))) (remhash name *named-readtables*))) (define-cruft %find-readtable (name) "Return the readtable named NAME." #+ :allegro (excl:named-readtable (readtable-name-for-allegro name) nil) #+ :common-lisp (values (gethash name *named-readtables* nil))) ;;;; Reader-macro related predicates ;;; CLISP creates new function objects for standard reader macros on ;;; each readtable copy. (define-cruft function= (fn1 fn2) "Are reader-macro function-designators FN1 and FN2 the same?" #+ :clisp (let* ((fn1 (ensure-function fn1)) (fn2 (ensure-function fn2)) (n1 (system::function-name fn1)) (n2 (system::function-name fn2))) (if (and (eq n1 :lambda) (eq n2 :lambda)) (eq fn1 fn2) (equal n1 n2))) #+ :sbcl (let ((fn1 (ensure-function fn1)) (fn2 (ensure-function fn2))) (or (eq fn1 fn2) ;; After SBCL 1.1.18, for dispatch macro characters ;; GET-MACRO-CHARACTER returns closures whose name is: ;; ;; (LAMBDA (STREAM CHAR) :IN SB-IMPL::%MAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR) ;; ;; Treat all these closures equivalent. (flet ((internal-dispatch-macro-closure-name-p (name) (find "SB-IMPL::%MAKE-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHAR" name :key #'prin1-to-string :test #'string-equal))) (let ((n1 (sb-impl::%fun-name fn1)) (n2 (sb-impl::%fun-name fn2))) (and (listp n1) (listp n2) (internal-dispatch-macro-closure-name-p n1) (internal-dispatch-macro-closure-name-p n2)))))) #+ :common-lisp (eq (ensure-function fn1) (ensure-function fn2))) ;;; CLISP will incorrectly fold the call to G-D-M-C away ;;; if not declared inline. (define-cruft dispatch-macro-char-p (char rt) "Is CHAR a dispatch macro character in RT?" #+ :common-lisp (handler-case (locally #+clisp (declare (notinline get-dispatch-macro-character)) (get-dispatch-macro-character char #\x rt) t) (error () nil))) ;; (defun macro-char-p (char rt) ;; (let ((reader-fn (%get-macro-character char rt))) ;; (and reader-fn t))) ;; (defun standard-macro-char-p (char rt) ;; (multiple-value-bind (rt-fn rt-flag) (get-macro-character char rt) ;; (multiple-value-bind (std-fn std-flag) (get-macro-character char *standard-readtable*) ;; (and (eq rt-fn std-fn) ;; (eq rt-flag std-flag))))) ;; (defun standard-dispatch-macro-char-p (disp-char sub-char rt) ;; (flet ((non-terminating-p (ch rt) (nth-value 1 (get-macro-character ch rt)))) ;; (and (eq (non-terminating-p disp-char rt) ;; (non-terminating-p disp-char *standard-readtable*)) ;; (eq (get-dispatch-macro-character disp-char sub-char rt) ;; (get-dispatch-macro-character disp-char sub-char *standard-readtable*))))) ;;;; Readtables Iterators (defmacro with-readtable-iterator ((name readtable) &body body) (let ((it (gensym))) `(let ((,it (%make-readtable-iterator ,readtable))) (macrolet ((,name () `(funcall ,',it))) ,@body)))) #+sbcl (defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable) (let ((char-macro-array (sb-impl::character-macro-array readtable)) (char-macro-ht (sb-impl::character-macro-hash-table readtable)) (dispatch-tables (sb-impl::dispatch-tables readtable)) (char-code 0)) (with-hash-table-iterator (ht-iterator char-macro-ht) (labels ((grovel-base-chars () (if (>= char-code sb-int:base-char-code-limit) (grovel-unicode-chars) (let ((reader-fn (svref char-macro-array char-code)) (char (code-char (shiftf char-code (1+ char-code))))) (if reader-fn (yield char) (grovel-base-chars))))) (grovel-unicode-chars () (multiple-value-bind (more? char) (ht-iterator) (if (not more?) (values nil nil nil nil nil) (yield char)))) (yield (char) (let ((disp-fn (get-macro-character char readtable)) (disp-ht)) (cond ((setq disp-ht (cdr (assoc char dispatch-tables))) (let ((sub-char-alist)) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push (cons k v) sub-char-alist)) disp-ht) (values t char disp-fn t sub-char-alist))) (t (values t char disp-fn nil nil)))))) #'grovel-base-chars)))) #+clozure (defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable) (flet ((ensure-alist (x) #.`(etypecase x (list x) ,@(uiop:if-let (sv (uiop:find-symbol* '#:sparse-vector :ccl nil)) `((,sv (let ((table (uiop:symbol-call :ccl '#:sparse-vector-table x))) (uiop:while-collecting (c) (loop for i below (length table) do (uiop:if-let ((v (svref table i))) (loop with i8 = (ash i 8) for j below (length v) do (uiop:if-let ((datum (svref v j))) (c (cons (code-char (+ i8 j)) datum)))))))))))))) (let ((char-macros (ensure-alist (#.(or (uiop:find-symbol* '#:rdtab.macros :ccl nil) (uiop:find-symbol* '#:rdtab.alist :ccl)) readtable)))) (lambda () (if char-macros (destructuring-bind (char . defn) (pop char-macros) (if (consp defn) (values t char (car defn) t (ensure-alist (cdr defn))) (values t char defn nil nil))) (values nil nil nil nil nil)))))) ;;; Written on ACL 8.0. #+allegro (defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable) (declare (optimize speed)) ; for TCO (check-type readtable readtable) (let* ((macro-table (first (excl::readtable-macro-table readtable))) (dispatch-tables (excl::readtable-dispatch-tables readtable)) (table-length (length macro-table)) (idx 0)) (labels ((grovel-macro-chars () (if (>= idx table-length) (grovel-dispatch-chars) (let ((read-fn (svref macro-table idx)) (oidx idx)) (incf idx) (if (or (eq read-fn #'excl::read-token) (eq read-fn #'excl::read-dispatch-char) (eq read-fn #'excl::undefined-macro-char)) (grovel-macro-chars) (values t (code-char oidx) read-fn nil nil))))) (grovel-dispatch-chars () (if (null dispatch-tables) (values nil nil nil nil nil) (destructuring-bind (disp-char sub-char-table) (first dispatch-tables) (setf dispatch-tables (rest dispatch-tables)) ;;; Kludge. We can't fully clear dispatch tables ;;; in %CLEAR-READTABLE. (when (eq (svref macro-table (char-code disp-char)) #'excl::read-dispatch-char) (values t disp-char (svref macro-table (char-code disp-char)) t (loop for subch-fn across sub-char-table for subch-code from 0 when subch-fn collect (cons (code-char subch-code) subch-fn)))))))) #'grovel-macro-chars))) #-(or sbcl clozure allegro) (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (let ((*print-pretty* t)) (simple-style-warn "~&~@< ~@;~A has not been ported to ~A. ~ We fall back to a portable implementation of readtable iterators. ~ This implementation has to grovel through all available characters. ~ On Unicode-aware implementations this may come with some costs.~@:>" (package-name '#.*package*) (lisp-implementation-type)))) #-(or sbcl clozure allegro) (defun %make-readtable-iterator (readtable) (check-type readtable readtable) (let ((char-code 0)) #'(lambda () (prog () :GROVEL (when (< char-code char-code-limit) (let ((char (code-char char-code))) (incf char-code) (when (not char) (go :GROVEL)) (let ((fn (get-macro-character char readtable))) (when (not fn) (go :GROVEL)) (multiple-value-bind (disp? alist) (handler-case ; grovel dispatch macro characters. (values t ;; Only grovel upper case characters to ;; avoid duplicates. (loop for code from 0 below char-code-limit for subchar = (non-lowercase-code-char code) for disp-fn = (and subchar (get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar readtable)) when disp-fn collect (cons subchar disp-fn))) (error () nil)) (return (values t char fn disp? alist)))))))))) #-(or sbcl clozure allegro) (defun non-lowercase-code-char (code) (let ((ch (code-char code))) (when (and ch (or (not (alpha-char-p ch)) (upper-case-p ch))) ch))) (defmacro do-readtable ((entry-designator readtable &optional result) &body body) "Iterate through a readtable's macro characters, and dispatch macro characters." (destructuring-bind (char &optional reader-fn non-terminating-p disp? table) (if (symbolp entry-designator) (list entry-designator) entry-designator) (let ((iter (gensym "ITER+")) (more? (gensym "MORE?+")) (rt (gensym "READTABLE+"))) `(let ((,rt ,readtable)) (with-readtable-iterator (,iter ,rt) (loop (multiple-value-bind (,more? ,char ,@(when reader-fn (list reader-fn)) ,@(when disp? (list disp?)) ,@(when table (list table))) (,iter) (unless ,more? (return ,result)) (let ,(when non-terminating-p ;; FIXME: N-T-P should be incorporated in iterators. `((,non-terminating-p (nth-value 1 (get-macro-character ,char ,rt))))) ,@body)))))))) ;;;; Misc ;;; This should return an implementation's actual standard readtable ;;; object only if the implementation makes the effort to guard against ;;; modification of that object. Otherwise it should better return a ;;; copy. (define-cruft %standard-readtable () "Return the standard readtable." #+ :sbcl+safe-standard-readtable sb-impl::*standard-readtable* #+ :common-lisp (copy-readtable nil)) ;;; On SBCL, SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR does not get rid of a ;;; readtable's dispatch table properly. ;;; Same goes for Allegro but that does not seem to provide a ;;; setter for their readtable's dispatch tables. Hence this ugly ;;; workaround. (define-cruft %clear-readtable (readtable) "Make all macro characters in READTABLE be constituents." #+ :sbcl (prog1 readtable (do-readtable (char readtable) (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable)) (setf (sb-impl::dispatch-tables readtable) nil)) #+ :allegro (prog1 readtable (do-readtable (char readtable) (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable)) (let ((dispatch-tables (excl::readtable-dispatch-tables readtable))) (setf (cdr dispatch-tables) nil) (setf (caar dispatch-tables) #\Backspace) (setf (cadar dispatch-tables) (fill (cadar dispatch-tables) nil)))) #+ :common-lisp (do-readtable (char readtable readtable) (set-syntax-from-char char #\A readtable))) ;;; See Clozure Trac Ticket 601. This is supposed to be removed at ;;; some point in the future. (define-cruft %get-dispatch-macro-character (char subchar rt) "Ensure ANSI behaviour for GET-DISPATCH-MACRO-CHARACTER." #+ :ccl (ignore-errors (get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar rt)) #+ :common-lisp (get-dispatch-macro-character char subchar rt)) ;;; Allegro stores READ-TOKEN as reader macro function of each ;;; constituent character. (define-cruft %get-macro-character (char rt) "Ensure ANSI behaviour for GET-MACRO-CHARACTER." #+ :allegro (let ((fn (get-macro-character char rt))) (cond ((not fn) nil) ((function= fn #'excl::read-token) nil) (t fn))) #+ :common-lisp (get-macro-character char rt)) ;;;; Specialized PRINT-OBJECT for named readtables. ;;; As per #19 in CLHS defining a method for PRINT-OBJECT ;;; that specializes on READTABLE is actually forbidden. It's quite ;;; likely to work (modulo package-locks) on most implementations, ;;; though. ;;; We don't need this on Allegro CL's as we hook into their ;;; named-readtable facility, and they provide such a method already. #-allegro (without-package-lock (:common-lisp #+lispworks :implementation) (defmethod print-object :around ((rt readtable) stream) (let ((name (readtable-name rt))) (if name (print-unreadable-object (rt stream :type nil :identity t) (format stream "~A ~S" :named-readtable name)) (call-next-method)))))