;;; jvm-class-file.lisp ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 2010 Erik Huelsmann ;;; $Id$ ;;; ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; ;;; As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you ;;; permission to link this library with independent modules to produce an ;;; executable, regardless of the license terms of these independent ;;; modules, and to copy and distribute the resulting executable under ;;; terms of your choice, provided that you also meet, for each linked ;;; independent module, the terms and conditions of the license of that ;;; module. An independent module is a module which is not derived from ;;; or based on this library. If you modify this library, you may extend ;;; this exception to your version of the library, but you are not ;;; obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this ;;; exception statement from your version. (in-package :jvm) (require '#:compiler-types) #| The general design of the class-file writer is to have generic - human readable - representations of the class being generated during the construction and manipulation phases. After completing the creation/manipulation of the class, all its components will be finalized. This process translates readable (e.g. string) representations to indices to be stored on disc. The only thing to be done after finalization is sending the output to a stream ("writing"). Finalization happens highest-level first. As an example, take a method with exception handlers. The exception handlers are stored as attributes in the class file structure. They are children of the method's Code attribute. In this example, the body of the Code attribute (the higher level) gets finalized before the attributes. The reason to do so is that the exceptions need to refer to labels (offsets) in the Code segment. |# (defun map-primitive-type (type) "Maps a symbolic primitive type name to its Java string representation." (case type (:int "I") (:long "J") (:float "F") (:double "D") (:boolean "Z") (:char "C") (:byte "B") (:short "S") ((nil :void) "V"))) (defun pretty-class (type &optional (default-package "")) (let* ((p-len (1+ (length default-package))) (len (length type)) (cnt (when (< p-len len) (count #\/ type :start p-len))) (type (if (and cnt (= 0 cnt)) (subseq type p-len len) (substitute #\. #\/ type)))) type)) (defun pretty-type (type &optional (default-package "")) (cond ((eql #\I type) "int") ((eql #\J type) "long") ((eql #\F type) "float") ((eql #\D type) "double") ((eql #\Z type) "boolean") ((eql #\C type) "char") ((eql #\B type) "byte") ((eql #\S type) "short") ((eql #\V type) "void") ((stringp type) (pretty-class (subseq type 1 (1- (length type))) default-package)))) #| The `class-name' facility helps to abstract from "this instruction takes a reference" and "this instruction takes a class name". We simply pass the class name around and the instructions themselves know which representation to use. |# (defstruct (jvm-class-name (:conc-name class-) (:constructor %make-jvm-class-name) (:print-object %print-jvm-class-name)) "Used for class identification. The caller should instantiate only one `class-name' per class, as they are used as class identifiers and compared using EQ. Some instructions need a class argument, others need a reference identifier. This class is used to abstract from the difference." name-internal ref array-class ;; cached array class reference ;; keeping a reference to the associated array class allows class ;; name comparisons to be EQ: all classes should exist only once, ) (defun %print-jvm-class-name (name stream) (print-unreadable-object (name stream :type t) (write-string (class-name-internal name) stream))) (defun make-jvm-class-name (name) "Creates a `class-name' structure for the class or interface `name'. `name' should be specified using Java representation, which is converted to 'internal' (JVM) representation by this function." (setf name (substitute #\/ #\. name)) (%make-jvm-class-name :name-internal name :ref (concatenate 'string "L" name ";"))) (defun class-array (class-name) "Returns a class-name representing an array of `class-name'. For multi-dimensional arrays, call this function multiple times, using its own result. This function can be called multiple times on the same `class-name' without violating the 'only one instance' requirement: the returned value is cached and used on successive calls." (unless (class-array-class class-name) ;; Alessio Stalla found by dumping a class file that the JVM uses ;; the same representation (ie '[L;') in CHECKCAST as ;; it does in field references, meaning the class name and class ref ;; are identified by the same string (let ((name-and-ref (concatenate 'string "[" (class-ref class-name)))) (setf (class-array-class class-name) (%make-jvm-class-name :name-internal name-and-ref :ref name-and-ref)))) (class-array-class class-name)) (defmacro define-class-name (symbol java-dotted-name &optional documentation) "Convenience macro to define constants for `class-name' structures, initialized from the `java-dotted-name'." `(defconstant ,symbol (make-jvm-class-name ,java-dotted-name) ,documentation)) (define-class-name +java-class+ "java.lang.Class") (define-class-name +java-object+ "java.lang.Object") (define-class-name +java-string+ "java.lang.String") (define-class-name +java-system+ "java.lang.System") (define-class-name +java-stack-overflow+ "java.lang.StackOverflowError") (define-class-name +java-out-of-memory+ "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError") (define-class-name +java-io-input-stream+ "java.io.InputStream") (define-class-name +java-util-collection+ "java.util.Collection") (define-class-name +lisp-object+ "org.armedbear.lisp.LispObject") (defconstant +lisp-object-array+ (class-array +lisp-object+)) (define-class-name +lisp-simple-string+ "org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleString") (define-class-name +lisp+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Lisp") (define-class-name +lisp-nil+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Nil") (define-class-name +lisp-class+ "org.armedbear.lisp.LispClass") (define-class-name +lisp-symbol+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol") (define-class-name +lisp-thread+ "org.armedbear.lisp.LispThread") (define-class-name +lisp-closure-binding+ "org.armedbear.lisp.ClosureBinding") (defconstant +closure-binding-array+ (class-array +lisp-closure-binding+)) (define-class-name +lisp-integer+ "org.armedbear.lisp.LispInteger") (define-class-name +lisp-fixnum+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Fixnum") (defconstant +lisp-fixnum-array+ (class-array +lisp-fixnum+)) (define-class-name +lisp-bignum+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Bignum") (define-class-name +lisp-single-float+ "org.armedbear.lisp.SingleFloat") (define-class-name +lisp-double-float+ "org.armedbear.lisp.DoubleFloat") (define-class-name +lisp-cons+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Cons") (define-class-name +lisp-load+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Load") (define-class-name +lisp-character+ "org.armedbear.lisp.LispCharacter") (defconstant +lisp-character-array+ (class-array +lisp-character+)) (define-class-name +lisp-structure-object+ "org.armedbear.lisp.StructureObject") (define-class-name +lisp-simple-vector+ "org.armedbear.lisp.SimpleVector") (define-class-name +lisp-abstract-string+ "org.armedbear.lisp.AbstractString") (define-class-name +lisp-abstract-vector+ "org.armedbear.lisp.AbstractVector") (define-class-name +lisp-abstract-bit-vector+ "org.armedbear.lisp.AbstractBitVector") (define-class-name +lisp-environment+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Environment") (define-class-name +lisp-special-binding+ "org.armedbear.lisp.SpecialBinding") (define-class-name +lisp-special-bindings-mark+ "org.armedbear.lisp.SpecialBindingsMark") (define-class-name +lisp-throw+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Throw") (define-class-name +lisp-return+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Return") (define-class-name +lisp-go+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Go") (define-class-name +lisp-primitive+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Primitive") (define-class-name +lisp-compiled-primitive+ "org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledPrimitive") (define-class-name +lisp-eql-hash-table+ "org.armedbear.lisp.EqlHashTable") (define-class-name +lisp-hash-table+ "org.armedbear.lisp.HashTable") (define-class-name +lisp-package+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Package") (define-class-name +lisp-readtable+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Readtable") (define-class-name +lisp-stream+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Stream") (define-class-name +lisp-operator+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Operator") (define-class-name +lisp-closure+ "org.armedbear.lisp.Closure") (define-class-name +lisp-compiled-closure+ "org.armedbear.lisp.CompiledClosure") (define-class-name +argument-list-processor+ "org.armedbear.lisp.ArgumentListProcessor") (define-class-name +alp-required-parameter+ "org.armedbear.lisp.ArgumentListProcessor$RequiredParam") (define-class-name +alp-optional-parameter+ "org.armedbear.lisp.ArgumentListProcessor$OptionalParam") (define-class-name +alp-keyword-parameter+ "org.armedbear.lisp.ArgumentListProcessor$KeywordParam") #| Lisp-side descriptor representation: - list: a list starting with a method return value, followed by the argument types - keyword: the primitive type associated with that keyword - class-name structure instance: the class-ref value The latter two can be converted to a Java representation using the `internal-field-ref' function, the former is to be fed to `descriptor'. |# (defun internal-field-type (field-type) "Returns a string containing the JVM-internal representation of `field-type', which should either be a symbol identifying a primitive type, or a `class-name' structure identifying a class or interface." (if (symbolp field-type) (map-primitive-type field-type) (class-name-internal field-type))) (defun internal-field-ref (field-type) "Returns a string containing the JVM-internal representation of a reference to `field-type', which should either be a symbol identifying a primitive type, or a `class-name' structure identifying a class or interface." (if (symbolp field-type) (map-primitive-type field-type) (class-ref field-type))) (defun descriptor (return-type &rest argument-types) "Returns a string describing the `return-type' and `argument-types' in JVM-internal representation." (let* ((arg-strings (mapcar #'internal-field-ref argument-types)) (ret-string (internal-field-ref return-type)) (size (+ 2 (reduce #'+ arg-strings :key #'length :initial-value (length ret-string)))) (str (make-array size :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'character))) (with-output-to-string (s str) (princ #\( s) (dolist (arg-string arg-strings) (princ arg-string s)) (princ #\) s) (princ ret-string s)) str) ;; (format nil "(~{~A~})~A" ;; (internal-field-ref return-type)) ) (defun descriptor-stack-effect (return-type &rest argument-types) "Returns the effect on the stack position of the `argument-types' and `return-type' of a method call. If the method consumes an implicit `this' argument, this function does not take that effect into account." (flet ((type-stack-effect (arg) (case arg ((:long :double) 2) ((nil :void) 0) (otherwise 1)))) (+ (reduce #'- argument-types :key #'type-stack-effect :initial-value 0) (type-stack-effect return-type)))) (defstruct pool ;; `index' contains the index of the last allocated slot (0 == empty) ;; "A constant pool entry is considered valid if it has ;; an index greater than 0 (zero) and less than pool-count" (index 0) entries-list ;; the entries hash stores raw values, except in case of string and ;; utf8, because both are string values in which case a two-element ;; list - containing the tag and the value - is used (entries (make-hash-table :test #'equal :size 2048 :rehash-size 2.0))) (defun matching-index-p (entry index) (eql (constant-index entry) index)) (defun find-pool-entry (pool item &key (test #'matching-index-p)) (find-if (lambda (x) (funcall test x item)) (pool-entries-list pool))) (defstruct constant "Structure to be included in all constant sub-types." tag index) (defgeneric print-pool-constant (pool entry stream &key &allow-other-keys) (:method (pool (entry t) stream &key) (print-object entry stream))) (defmethod print-pool-constant :around (pool entry stream &key recursive) (cond ((and (null *print-readably*) (null *print-escape*) (null recursive)) (princ #\# stream) (princ (constant-index entry) stream) (princ #\Space stream) (princ #\< stream) (call-next-method) (princ #\> stream)) (t (call-next-method)))) (defparameter +constant-type-map+ '((:class 7 1) (:field-ref 9 1) (:method-ref 10 1) ;; (:interface-method-ref 11) (:string 8 1) (:integer 3 1) (:float 4 1) (:long 5 2) (:double 6 2) (:name-and-type 12 1) (:utf8 1 1))) (defstruct (constant-class (:constructor make-constant-class (index name-index)) (:include constant (tag 7))) "Structure holding information on a 'class' type item in the constant pool." name-index) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-class) stream &key recursive package) (cond ((and (null *print-escape*) (null *print-readably*)) ;; human readable (unless recursive (princ "Class " stream)) (princ (pretty-class (constant-utf8-value (find-pool-entry pool (constant-class-name-index entry))) package) stream)) (t ;; READable (call-next-method)))) (defstruct (constant-member-ref (:constructor %make-constant-member-ref (tag index class-index name/type-index)) (:include constant)) "Structure holding information on a member reference type item (a field, method or interface method reference) in the constant pool." class-index name/type-index) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-member-ref) stream &key recursive package) (cond ((and (null *print-escape*) (null *print-readably*)) ;; human readable (unless recursive (princ (case (constant-member-ref-tag entry) (9 "Field ") (10 "Method ") (11 "Interface method ")) stream)) (let ((name-prefix (with-output-to-string (s) (print-pool-constant pool (find-pool-entry pool (constant-member-ref-class-index entry)) s :recursive t :package package) (princ #\. s)))) (print-pool-constant pool (find-pool-entry pool (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry)) stream :name-prefix name-prefix :recursive t :package package))) (t ;; READable (call-next-method)))) (declaim (inline make-constant-field-ref make-constant-method-ref make-constant-interface-method-ref)) (defun make-constant-field-ref (index class-index name/type-index) "Creates a `constant-member-ref' instance containing a field reference." (%make-constant-member-ref 9 index class-index name/type-index)) (defun make-constant-method-ref (index class-index name/type-index) "Creates a `constant-member-ref' instance containing a method reference." (%make-constant-member-ref 10 index class-index name/type-index)) (defun make-constant-interface-method-ref (index class-index name/type-index) "Creates a `constant-member-ref' instance containing an interface-method reference." (%make-constant-member-ref 11 index class-index name/type-index)) (defstruct (constant-string (:constructor make-constant-string (index value-index)) (:include constant (tag 8))) "Structure holding information on a 'string' type item in the constant pool." value-index) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-string) stream &key recursive) (cond ((and (null *print-readably*) (null *print-escape*)) (unless recursive (princ "String " stream)) (princ #\" stream) (print-pool-constant pool (find-pool-entry pool (constant-string-value-index entry)) stream :recursive t) (princ #\" stream)) (t (call-next-method)))) (defstruct (constant-float/int (:constructor %make-constant-float/int (tag index value)) (:include constant)) "Structure holding information on a 'float' or 'integer' type item in the constant pool." value) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-float/int) stream &key recursive) (cond ((and (null *print-escape*) (null *print-readably*)) (unless recursive (princ (case (constant-tag entry) (3 "int ") (4 "float ")) stream)) (princ (constant-float/int-value entry) stream)) (t (call-next-method)))) (declaim (inline make-constant-float make-constant-int)) (defun make-constant-float (index value) "Creates a `constant-float/int' structure instance containing a float." (%make-constant-float/int 4 index value)) (defun make-constant-int (index value) "Creates a `constant-float/int' structure instance containing an int." (%make-constant-float/int 3 index value)) (defstruct (constant-double/long (:constructor %make-constant-double/long (tag index value)) (:include constant)) "Structure holding information on a 'double' or 'long' type item in the constant pool." value) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-double/long) stream &key recursive) (cond ((and (null *print-escape*) (null *print-readably*)) (unless recursive (princ (case (constant-tag entry) (5 "long ") (6 "double ")) stream)) (princ (constant-double/long-value entry) stream)) (t (call-next-method)))) (declaim (inline make-constant-double make-constant-float)) (defun make-constant-double (index value) "Creates a `constant-double/long' structure instance containing a double." (%make-constant-double/long 6 index value)) (defun make-constant-long (index value) "Creates a `constant-double/long' structure instance containing a long." (%make-constant-double/long 5 index value)) (defstruct (constant-name/type (:constructor make-constant-name/type (index name-index descriptor-index)) (:include constant (tag 12))) "Structure holding information on a 'name-and-type' type item in the constant pool; this type of element is used by 'member-ref' type items." name-index descriptor-index) (defun parse-descriptor (descriptor) (let (arguments method-descriptor-p (index 0)) (when (eql (aref descriptor 0) #\() ;; parse the arguments here... (assert (find #\) descriptor)) (setf method-descriptor-p t) (loop until (eql (aref descriptor index) #\)) do (incf index) if (find (aref descriptor index) "IJFDZCBSV") do (push (aref descriptor index) arguments) if (eql (aref descriptor index) #\L) do (loop for i upfrom index until (eql (aref descriptor i) #\;) finally (push (subseq descriptor index (1+ i)) arguments) finally (setf index i)) finally (incf index))) (values (let ((return-value (subseq descriptor index))) (if (= (length return-value) 1) (aref return-value 0) return-value)) (nreverse arguments) method-descriptor-p))) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-name/type) stream &key name-prefix package) (cond ((and (null *print-readably*) (null *print-escape*)) (multiple-value-bind (type arguments method-descriptor-p) (let ((entry (find-pool-entry pool (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry)))) (if (constant-utf8-p entry) (parse-descriptor (constant-utf8-value entry)) (class-ref entry))) (princ (pretty-type type package) stream) (princ #\Space stream) (when name-prefix (princ name-prefix stream)) (print-pool-constant pool (find-pool-entry pool (constant-name/type-name-index entry)) stream :recursive t) (when method-descriptor-p (format stream "(~{~A~^,~})" (mapcar (lambda (x) (pretty-type x package)) arguments))))) (t (call-next-method)))) (defstruct (constant-utf8 (:constructor make-constant-utf8 (index value)) (:include constant (tag 1))) "Structure holding information on a 'utf8' type item in the constant pool; This type of item is used for text representation of identifiers and string contents." value) (defun pool-add-class (pool class) "Returns the index of the constant-pool class item for `class'. `class' must be an instance of `class-name' or a string (which will be converted to a `class-name')." (let ((class (if (jvm-class-name-p class) class (make-jvm-class-name class)))) (let ((entry (gethash class (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (let ((utf8 (pool-add-utf8 pool (class-name-internal class)))) (setf entry (make-constant-class (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8) (gethash class (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry)))) (defun pool-add-field-ref (pool class name type) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item which denotes a reference to the `name' field of the `class', being of `type'. `class' should be an instance of `class-name'. `name' is a string. `type' is a field-type (see `internal-field-type')" (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class)) (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type))) (setf entry (make-constant-field-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t) (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-method-ref (pool class name type) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item which denotes a reference to the method with `name' in `class', which is of `type'. Here, `type' is a method descriptor, which defines the argument types and return type. `class' is an instance of `class-name'." (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class)) (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type))) (setf entry (make-constant-method-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t) (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-interface-method-ref (pool class name type) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item which denotes a reference to the method `name' in the interface `class', which is of `type'. See `pool-add-method-ref' for remarks." (let ((entry (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (let ((c (pool-add-class pool class)) (n/t (pool-add-name/type pool name type))) (setf entry (make-constant-interface-method-ref (incf (pool-index pool)) c n/t) (gethash (acons name type class) (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-string (pool string) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the string." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 8 string) ;; 8 == string-tag (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (let ((utf8 (pool-add-utf8 pool string))) (setf entry (make-constant-string (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8) (gethash (cons 8 string) (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-int (pool int) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the int." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 3 int) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (setf entry (make-constant-int (incf (pool-index pool)) int) (gethash (cons 3 int) (pool-entries pool)) entry) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-float (pool float) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the float." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 4 float) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (setf entry (make-constant-float (incf (pool-index pool)) (sys::%float-bits float)) (gethash (cons 4 float) (pool-entries pool)) entry) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-long (pool long) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the long." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 5 long) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (setf entry (make-constant-long (incf (pool-index pool)) long) (gethash (cons 5 long) (pool-entries pool)) entry) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)) (incf (pool-index pool))) ;; double index increase; long takes 2 slots (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-double (pool double) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the double." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 6 double) (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (setf entry (make-constant-double (incf (pool-index pool)) (sys::%float-bits double)) (gethash (cons 6 double) (pool-entries pool)) entry) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool)) (incf (pool-index pool))) ;; double index increase; 'double' takes 2 slots (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-name/type (pool name type) "Returns the index of the constant-pool item denoting the name/type identifier." (let ((entry (gethash (cons name type) (pool-entries pool))) (internal-type (if (listp type) (apply #'descriptor type) (internal-field-ref type)))) (unless entry (let ((n (pool-add-utf8 pool name)) (i-t (pool-add-utf8 pool internal-type))) (setf entry (make-constant-name/type (incf (pool-index pool)) n i-t) (gethash (cons name type) (pool-entries pool)) entry)) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defun pool-add-utf8 (pool utf8-as-string) "Returns the index of the textual value that will be stored in the class file as UTF-8 encoded data." (let ((entry (gethash (cons 11 utf8-as-string) ;; 11 == utf8 (pool-entries pool)))) (unless entry (setf entry (make-constant-utf8 (incf (pool-index pool)) utf8-as-string) (gethash (cons 11 utf8-as-string) (pool-entries pool)) entry) (push entry (pool-entries-list pool))) (constant-index entry))) (defstruct (class-file (:constructor make-class-file (class superclass access-flags))) "Holds the components of a class file." (constants (make-pool)) access-flags class superclass interfaces fields methods attributes) (defun make-class-interface-file (class) "Create the components of a class file representing a public Java interface." (make-class-file class +java-object+ '(:public :abstract :interface))) (defun class-add-field (class field) "Adds a `field' created by `make-field'." (push field (class-file-fields class))) (defun class-field (class name) "Finds a field by name." ;; ### strictly speaking, a field is uniquely ;; identified by its name and type, not by the name alone. (find name (class-file-fields class) :test #'string= :key #'field-name)) (defun class-add-method (class method) "Adds a `method' to `class'; the method must have been created using `make-jvm-method'." (push method (class-file-methods class))) (defun class-methods-by-name (class name) "Returns all methods which have `name'." (remove (map-method-name name) (class-file-methods class) :test-not #'string= :key #'method-name)) (defun class-method (class name return &rest args) "Return the method which is (uniquely) identified by its name AND descriptor." (let ((return-and-args (cons return args)) (name (map-method-name name))) (find-if #'(lambda (c) (and (string= (method-name c) name) (equal (method-descriptor c) return-and-args))) (class-file-methods class)))) (defun class-remove-method (class method) (setf (class-file-methods class) (remove method (class-file-methods class))) method) (defun class-add-attribute (class attribute) "Adds `attribute' to the class; attributes must be instances of structure classes which include the `attribute' structure class." (push attribute (class-file-attributes class))) (defun class-add-superinterface (class interface) "Adds the java-class-name contained in `interface' as a superinterface of the `class'. For a class that represents an object, the requirements in `interface' must then be implemented in the class. For a class that represents an interface, the `interface' imposes additional requirements to the classes which implement this class." (push interface (class-file-interfaces class))) (defun class-attribute (class name) "Returns the attribute which is named `name'." (find name (class-file-attributes class) :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name)) (defun finalize-interfaces (class) "Finalize the interfaces for `class'. Interface finalization first ensures that all the classes referenced by the interfaces members exist in the pool. Then, it destructively modfies the interfaces members with a list of the references to the corresponding pool indices." (let ((interface-refs nil)) (dolist (interface (class-file-interfaces class)) (push (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) interface) interface-refs)) (setf (class-file-interfaces class) interface-refs))) (defun finalize-class-file (class) "Transforms the representation of the class-file from one which allows easy modification to one which works best for serialization. The class can't be modified after finalization." ;; constant pool contains constants finalized on addition; ;; no need for additional finalization (setf (class-file-access-flags class) (map-flags (class-file-access-flags class))) (setf (class-file-superclass class) (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) (class-file-superclass class)) (class-file-class class) (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) (class-file-class class))) (finalize-interfaces class) (dolist (field (class-file-fields class)) (finalize-field field class)) (dolist (method (class-file-methods class)) (finalize-method method class)) ;; top-level attributes (no parent attributes to refer to) (finalize-attributes (class-file-attributes class) nil class)) (declaim (inline write-u1 write-u2 write-u4 write-s4)) (defun write-u1 (n stream) (declare (optimize speed)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) n)) (declare (type stream stream)) (write-8-bits n stream)) (defknown write-u2 (t t) t) (defun write-u2 (n stream) (declare (optimize speed)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) n)) (declare (type stream stream)) (write-8-bits (logand (ash n -8) #xFF) stream) (write-8-bits (logand n #xFF) stream)) (defknown write-u4 (integer stream) t) (defun write-u4 (n stream) (declare (optimize speed)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) n)) (write-u2 (logand (ash n -16) #xFFFF) stream) (write-u2 (logand n #xFFFF) stream)) (declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) write-s4)) (defun write-s4 (n stream) (declare (optimize speed)) (cond ((minusp n) (write-u4 (1+ (logxor (- n) #xFFFFFFFF)) stream)) (t (write-u4 n stream)))) (declaim (ftype (function (t t t) t) write-ascii)) (defun write-ascii (string length stream) (declare (type string string)) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) length)) (declare (type stream stream)) (write-u2 length stream) (dotimes (i length) (declare (type (unsigned-byte 16) i)) (write-8-bits (char-code (char string i)) stream))) (declaim (ftype (function (t t) t) write-utf8)) (defun write-utf8 (string stream) (declare (optimize speed)) (declare (type string string)) (declare (type stream stream)) (let ((length (length string)) (must-convert nil)) (declare (type fixnum length)) (dotimes (i length) (declare (type fixnum i)) (unless (< 0 (char-code (char string i)) #x80) (setf must-convert t) (return))) (if must-convert (let ((octets (make-array (* length 2) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) octets)) (dotimes (i length) (declare (type fixnum i)) (let* ((c (char string i)) (n (char-code c))) (cond ((zerop n) (vector-push-extend #xC0 octets) (vector-push-extend #x80 octets)) ((< 0 n #x80) (vector-push-extend n octets)) (t (let ((char-octets (char-to-utf8 c))) (dotimes (j (length char-octets)) (declare (type fixnum j)) (vector-push-extend (svref char-octets j) octets))))))) (write-u2 (length octets) stream) (dotimes (i (length octets)) (declare (type fixnum i)) (write-8-bits (aref octets i) stream))) (write-ascii string length stream)))) (defun write-class-file (class stream) "Serializes `class' to `stream', after it has been finalized." ;; header (write-u4 #xCAFEBABE stream) (write-u2 0 stream) (write-u2 49 stream) ;; our methods use class literals ;; which require a high enough class file format ;; we used to have 45, but the LDC instruction doesn't support ;; class literals in that version... (49 == Java 1.5) ;; constants pool (write-constants (class-file-constants class) stream) ;; flags (write-u2 (class-file-access-flags class) stream) ;; class name (write-u2 (class-file-class class) stream) ;; superclass (write-u2 (class-file-superclass class) stream) ;; interfaces (if (class-file-interfaces class) (progn (write-u2 (length (class-file-interfaces class)) stream) (dolist (interface-ref (class-file-interfaces class)) (write-u2 interface-ref stream))) (write-u2 0 stream)) ;; fields (write-u2 (length (class-file-fields class)) stream) (dolist (field (class-file-fields class)) (write-field field stream)) ;; methods (write-u2 (length (class-file-methods class)) stream) (dolist (method (class-file-methods class)) (write-method method stream)) ;; attributes (write-attributes (class-file-attributes class) stream)) (defvar *jvm-class-debug-pool* nil "When bound to a non-NIL value, enables output to *standard-output* to allow debugging output of the constant section of the class file.") (defun write-constants (constants stream) "Writes the constant section given in `constants' to the class file `stream'." (let ((pool-index 0)) (write-u2 (1+ (pool-index constants)) stream) (when *jvm-class-debug-pool* (sys::%format t "pool count ~A~%" (pool-index constants))) (dolist (entry (reverse (pool-entries-list constants))) (incf pool-index) (let ((tag (constant-tag entry))) (when *jvm-class-debug-pool* (print-entry entry t)) (write-u1 tag stream) (case tag (1 ; UTF8 (write-utf8 (constant-utf8-value entry) stream)) ((3 4) ; float int (write-u4 (constant-float/int-value entry) stream)) ((5 6) ; long double (write-u4 (logand (ash (constant-double/long-value entry) -32) #xFFFFffff) stream) (write-u4 (logand (constant-double/long-value entry) #xFFFFffff) stream)) ((9 10 11) ; fieldref methodref InterfaceMethodref (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-class-index entry) stream) (write-u2 (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry) stream)) (12 ; nameAndType (write-u2 (constant-name/type-name-index entry) stream) (write-u2 (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry) stream)) (7 ; class (write-u2 (constant-class-name-index entry) stream)) (8 ; string (write-u2 (constant-string-value-index entry) stream)) (t (error "write-constant-pool-entry unhandled tag ~D~%" tag))))))) (defun print-entry (entry stream) "Debugging helper to print the content of a constant-pool entry." (let ((tag (constant-tag entry)) (index (constant-index entry))) (sys::%format stream "pool element ~a, tag ~a, " index tag) (case tag (1 (sys::%format t "utf8: ~a~%" (constant-utf8-value entry))) ((3 4) (sys::%format t "f/i: ~a~%" (constant-float/int-value entry))) ((5 6) (sys::%format t "d/l: ~a~%" (constant-double/long-value entry))) ((9 10 11) (sys::%format t "ref: ~a,~a~%" (constant-member-ref-class-index entry) (constant-member-ref-name/type-index entry))) (12 (sys::%format t "n/t: ~a,~a~%" (constant-name/type-name-index entry) (constant-name/type-descriptor-index entry))) (7 (sys::%format t "cls: ~a~%" (constant-class-name-index entry))) (8 (sys::%format t "str: ~a~%" (constant-string-value-index entry)))))) (defmethod print-pool-constant (pool (entry constant-utf8) stream &key) (if (and (null *print-escape*) (null *print-readably*)) (princ (constant-utf8-value entry) stream) (call-next-method))) #| ABCL doesn't use interfaces, so don't implement it here at this time (defstruct interface) |# (defparameter +access-flags-map+ '((:public #x0001) (:private #x0002) (:protected #x0004) (:static #x0008) (:final #x0010) (:volatile #x0040) (:synchronized #x0020) (:transient #x0080) (:native #x0100) (:interface #x0200) (:abstract #x0400) (:strict #x0800)) "List of keyword symbols used for human readable representation of (access) flags and their binary values.") (defun map-flags (flags) "Calculates the bitmap of the flags from a list of symbols." (reduce #'(lambda (y x) (logior (or (when (member (car x) flags) (second x)) 0) y)) +access-flags-map+ :initial-value 0)) (defstruct (field (:constructor %make-field)) "Holds information on the properties of fields in the class(-file)." access-flags name descriptor attributes) (defun make-field (name type &key (flags '(:public))) "Creates a field for addition to a class file." (%make-field :access-flags flags :name name :descriptor type)) (defun field-add-attribute (field attribute) "Adds an attribute to a field." (push attribute (field-attributes field))) (defun field-attribute (field name) "Retrieves an attribute named `name' of `field'. Returns NIL if the attribute isn't found." (find name (field-attributes field) :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name)) (defun finalize-field (field class) "Prepares `field' for serialization." (let ((pool (class-file-constants class))) (setf (field-access-flags field) (map-flags (field-access-flags field)) (field-descriptor field) (pool-add-utf8 pool (internal-field-ref (field-descriptor field))) (field-name field) (pool-add-utf8 pool (field-name field)))) (finalize-attributes (field-attributes field) nil class)) (defun write-field (field stream) "Writes classfile representation of `field' to `stream'." (write-u2 (field-access-flags field) stream) (write-u2 (field-name field) stream) (write-u2 (field-descriptor field) stream) (write-attributes (field-attributes field) stream)) (defstruct (jvm-method (:constructor %make-jvm-method) (:conc-name method-)) "Holds information on the properties of methods in the class(-file)." access-flags name descriptor attributes) (defun map-method-name (name) "Methods should be identified by strings containing their names, or, be one of two keyword identifiers to identify special methods: * :static-initializer * :constructor " (cond ((eq name :static-initializer) "") ((eq name :constructor) "") (t name))) (defun make-jvm-method (name return args &key (flags '(:public))) "Creates a method for addition to a class file." (%make-jvm-method :descriptor (cons return args) :access-flags flags :name (map-method-name name))) (defun method-add-attribute (method attribute) "Add `attribute' to the list of attributes of `method', returning `attribute'." (push attribute (method-attributes method)) attribute) (defun method-add-code (method &optional (optimize t)) "Creates an (empty) 'Code' attribute for the method, returning the created attribute." (method-add-attribute method (make-code-attribute (+ (length (cdr (method-descriptor method))) (if (member :static (method-access-flags method)) 0 1)) ;; 1 == implicit 'this' optimize))) (defun method-ensure-code (method &optional (optimize t)) "Ensures the existence of a 'Code' attribute for the method, returning the attribute." (let ((code (method-attribute method "Code"))) (if (null code) (method-add-code method optimize) code))) (defun method-attribute (method name) "Returns the first attribute of `method' with `name'." (find name (method-attributes method) :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name)) (defun finalize-method (method class) "Prepares `method' for serialization." (let ((pool (class-file-constants class))) (setf (method-access-flags method) (map-flags (method-access-flags method)) (method-descriptor method) (pool-add-utf8 pool (apply #'descriptor (method-descriptor method))) (method-name method) (pool-add-utf8 pool (method-name method)))) (finalize-attributes (method-attributes method) nil class)) (defun write-method (method stream) "Write class file representation of `method' to `stream'." (write-u2 (method-access-flags method) stream) (write-u2 (method-name method) stream) ;;(sys::%format t "method-name: ~a~%" (method-name method)) (write-u2 (method-descriptor method) stream) (write-attributes (method-attributes method) stream)) (defstruct attribute "Parent attribute structure to be included into other attributes, mainly to define common fields. Having common fields allows common driver code for finalizing and serializing attributes." name ;; not in the class file: finalizer ;; function of 3 arguments: the attribute, parent and class-file writer ;; function of 2 arguments: the attribute and the output stream ) (defun finalize-attributes (attributes att class) "Prepare `attributes' (a list) of attribute `att' list for serialization." (dolist (attribute attributes) ;; assure header: make sure 'name' is in the pool (setf (attribute-name attribute) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (attribute-name attribute))) ;; we're saving "root" attributes: attributes which have no parent (funcall (attribute-finalizer attribute) attribute att class))) (defun write-attributes (attributes stream) "Writes the `attributes' to `stream'." (write-u2 (length attributes) stream) (dolist (attribute attributes) (write-u2 (attribute-name attribute) stream) ;; set up a bulk catcher for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) ;; since we need to know the attribute length (excluding the header) (let ((local-stream (sys::%make-byte-array-output-stream))) (funcall (attribute-writer attribute) attribute local-stream) (let ((array (sys::%get-output-stream-array local-stream))) (write-u4 (length array) stream) (write-sequence array stream))))) (defstruct (code-attribute (:conc-name code-) (:include attribute (name "Code") (finalizer #'finalize-code-attribute) (writer #'write-code-attribute)) (:constructor %make-code-attribute)) "The attribute containing the actual JVM byte code; an attribute of a method." max-stack max-locals code exception-handlers attributes ;; fields not in the class file start here ;; labels contains offsets into the code array after it's finalized labels ;; an alist optimize (current-local 0)) ;; used for handling nested WITH-CODE-TO-METHOD blocks (defun code-label-offset (code label) "Retrieves the `label' offset within a `code' attribute after the attribute has been finalized." (cdr (assoc label (code-labels code)))) (defun (setf code-label-offset) (offset code label) "Sets the `label' offset within a `code' attribute after the attribute has been finalized." (setf (code-labels code) (acons label offset (code-labels code)))) (defun finalize-code-attribute (code parent class) "Prepares the `code' attribute for serialization, within method `parent'." (let* ((handlers (code-exception-handlers code)) (c (finalize-code (code-code code) (nconc (mapcar #'exception-start-pc handlers) (mapcar #'exception-end-pc handlers) (mapcar #'exception-handler-pc handlers)) (code-optimize code) (class-file-constants class)))) (invoke-callbacks :code-finalized class parent (coerce c 'list) handlers) (unless (code-max-stack code) (setf (code-max-stack code) (analyze-stack c (mapcar #'exception-handler-pc handlers)))) (unless (code-max-locals code) (setf (code-max-locals code) (analyze-locals code))) (multiple-value-bind (c labels) (code-bytes c) (assert (< 0 (length c) 65536)) (setf (code-code code) c (code-labels code) labels))) (setf (code-exception-handlers code) (remove-if #'(lambda (h) (eql (code-label-offset code (exception-start-pc h)) (code-label-offset code (exception-end-pc h)))) (code-exception-handlers code))) (dolist (exception (code-exception-handlers code)) (setf (exception-start-pc exception) (code-label-offset code (exception-start-pc exception)) (exception-end-pc exception) (code-label-offset code (exception-end-pc exception)) (exception-handler-pc exception) (code-label-offset code (exception-handler-pc exception)) (exception-catch-type exception) (if (null (exception-catch-type exception)) 0 ;; generic 'catch all' class index number (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) (exception-catch-type exception))))) (finalize-attributes (code-attributes code) code class)) (defun write-code-attribute (code stream) "Writes the attribute `code' to `stream'." ;;(sys::%format t "max-stack: ~a~%" (code-max-stack code)) (write-u2 (code-max-stack code) stream) ;;(sys::%format t "max-locals: ~a~%" (code-max-locals code)) (write-u2 (code-max-locals code) stream) (let ((code-array (code-code code))) ;;(sys::%format t "length: ~a~%" (length code-array)) (write-u4 (length code-array) stream) (dotimes (i (length code-array)) (write-u1 (svref code-array i) stream))) (write-u2 (length (code-exception-handlers code)) stream) (dolist (exception (reverse (code-exception-handlers code))) ;;(sys::%format t "start-pc: ~a~%" (exception-start-pc exception)) (write-u2 (exception-start-pc exception) stream) ;;(sys::%format t "end-pc: ~a~%" (exception-end-pc exception)) (write-u2 (exception-end-pc exception) stream) ;;(sys::%format t "handler-pc: ~a~%" (exception-handler-pc exception)) (write-u2 (exception-handler-pc exception) stream) (write-u2 (exception-catch-type exception) stream)) (write-attributes (code-attributes code) stream)) (defun make-code-attribute (arg-count &optional optimize) "Creates an empty 'Code' attribute for a method which takes `arg-count` parameters, including the implicit `this` parameter." (%make-code-attribute :max-locals arg-count :optimize optimize)) (defun code-add-attribute (code attribute) "Adds `attribute' to `code', returning `attribute'." (push attribute (code-attributes code)) attribute) (defun code-attribute (code name) "Returns an attribute of `code' identified by `name'." (find name (code-attributes code) :test #'string= :key #'attribute-name)) (defun code-add-exception-handler (code start end handler type) "Adds an exception handler to `code' protecting the region from labels `start' to `end' (inclusive) from exception `type' - where a value of NIL indicates all types. Upon an exception of the given type, control is transferred to label `handler'." (push (make-exception :start-pc start :end-pc end :handler-pc handler :catch-type type) (code-exception-handlers code))) (defstruct exception "Exception handler information. After finalization, the fields contain offsets instead of labels." start-pc ;; label target end-pc ;; label target handler-pc ;; label target catch-type ;; a string for a specific type, or NIL for all ) (defstruct (constant-value-attribute (:conc-name constant-value-) (:include attribute (name "ConstantValue") ;; finalizer ;; writer )) "An attribute of a field of primitive type. " ;;; ### TODO ) (defstruct (checked-exceptions-attribute (:conc-name checked-) (:include attribute (name "Exceptions") (finalizer #'finalize-checked-exceptions) (writer #'write-checked-exceptions))) "An attribute of `code-attribute', " table ;; a list of checked classes corresponding to Java's 'throws' ) (defun finalize-checked-exceptions (checked-exceptions code class) (declare (ignorable code class)) "Prepare `checked-exceptions' for serialization." (setf (checked-table checked-exceptions) (mapcar #'(lambda (exception) (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) exception)) (checked-table checked-exceptions)))) (defun write-checked-exceptions (checked-exceptions stream) "Write `checked-exceptions' to `stream' in class file representation." (write-u2 (length (checked-table checked-exceptions)) stream) (dolist (exception (reverse (checked-table checked-exceptions))) (write-u2 exception stream))) ;; Can't be used yet: serialization missing (defstruct (deprecated-attribute (:include attribute (name "Deprecated") (finalizer (constantly nil)) (writer (constantly nil)))) ;; finalizer and writer need to do nothing: Deprecated attributes are empty "An attribute of a class file, field or method, indicating the element to which it has been attached has been superseded.") (defvar *current-code-attribute* nil) (defvar *method*) (defun save-code-specials (code) (setf (code-code code) *code* (code-max-locals code) *registers-allocated* (code-current-local code) *register*)) (defun restore-code-specials (code) (setf *code* (code-code code) *registers-allocated* (code-max-locals code) *register* (code-current-local code))) (defmacro with-code-to-method ((class-file method) &body body) (let ((m (gensym)) (c (gensym))) `(progn (when *current-code-attribute* (save-code-specials *current-code-attribute*)) (unwind-protect (let* ((,m ,method) (*method* ,m) (,c (method-ensure-code ,method)) (*pool* (class-file-constants ,class-file)) (*code* (code-code ,c)) (*registers-allocated* (code-max-locals ,c)) (*register* (code-current-local ,c)) (*current-code-attribute* ,c)) (unwind-protect ,@body ;; in case of a RETURN-FROM or GO, save the current state (setf (code-code ,c) *code* (code-current-local ,c) *register* (code-max-locals ,c) *registers-allocated*))) ;; using the same line of reasoning, restore the outer-scope state (when *current-code-attribute* (restore-code-specials *current-code-attribute*)))))) (defstruct (source-file-attribute (:conc-name source-) (:include attribute (name "SourceFile") (finalizer #'finalize-source-file) (writer #'write-source-file))) "An attribute of the class file indicating which source file it was compiled from." filename) (defun finalize-source-file (source-file code class) (declare (ignorable code class)) (setf (source-filename source-file) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (source-filename source-file)))) (defun write-source-file (source-file stream) (write-u2 (source-filename source-file) stream)) (defstruct (synthetic-attribute (:include attribute (name "Synthetic") (finalizer (constantly nil)) (writer (constantly nil)))) ;; finalizer and writer need to do nothing: Synthetic attributes are empty "An attribute of a class file, field or method to mark that it wasn't included in the sources - but was generated artificially.") (defstruct (line-numbers-attribute (:conc-name line-numbers-) (:include attribute (name "LineNumberTable") (finalizer #'finalize-line-numbers) (writer #'write-line-numbers))) "An attribute of `code-attribute', containing a mapping of offsets within the code section to the line numbers in the source file." table ;; a list of line-number structures, in reverse order ) (defstruct line-number start-pc ;; a label, before finalization, or 0 for "start of function" line) (defun finalize-line-numbers (line-numbers code class) (declare (ignorable code class)) (dolist (line-number (line-numbers-table line-numbers)) (unless (zerop (line-number-start-pc line-number)) (setf (line-number-start-pc line-number) (code-label-offset code (line-number-start-pc line-number)))))) (defun write-line-numbers (line-numbers stream) (write-u2 (length (line-numbers-table line-numbers)) stream) (dolist (line-number (reverse (line-numbers-table line-numbers))) (write-u2 (line-number-start-pc line-number) stream) (write-u2 (line-number-line line-number) stream))) (defun line-numbers-add-line (line-numbers start-pc line) (push (make-line-number :start-pc start-pc :line line) (line-numbers-table line-numbers))) (defstruct (local-variables-attribute (:conc-name local-var-) (:include attribute (name "LocalVariableTable") (finalizer #'finalize-local-variables) (writer #'write-local-variables))) "An attribute of the `code-attribute', containing a table of local variable names, their type and their scope of validity." table ;; a list of local-variable structures, in reverse order ) (defstruct (local-variable (:conc-name local-)) start-pc ;; a label, before finalization length ;; a label (at the ending position) before finalization name descriptor index ;; The index of the variable inside the block of locals ) (defun finalize-local-variables (local-variables code class) (dolist (local-variable (local-var-table local-variables)) (setf (local-start-pc local-variable) (code-label-offset code (local-start-pc local-variable)) (local-length local-variable) ;; calculate 'length' from the distance between 2 labels (- (code-label-offset code (local-length local-variable)) (local-start-pc local-variable)) (local-name local-variable) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (local-name local-variable)) (local-descriptor local-variable) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (local-descriptor local-variable))))) (defun write-local-variables (local-variables stream) (write-u2 (length (local-var-table local-variables)) stream) (dolist (local-variable (reverse (local-var-table local-variables))) (write-u2 (local-start-pc local-variable) stream) (write-u2 (local-length local-variable) stream) (write-u2 (local-name local-variable) stream) (write-u2 (local-descriptor local-variable) stream) (write-u2 (local-index local-variable) stream))) ;;Annotations (defstruct (annotations-attribute (:conc-name annotations-) (:include attribute ;;Name is to be provided by subtypes (finalizer #'finalize-annotations) (writer #'write-annotations))) "An attribute of a class, method or field, containing a list of annotations. This structure serves as the abstract supertype of concrete annotations types." list ;; a list of annotation structures, in reverse order ) (defstruct annotation "Each value of the annotations table represents a single runtime-visible annotation on a program element. The annotation structure has the following format: annotation { u2 type_index; u2 num_element_value_pairs; { u2 element_name_index; element_value value; } element_value_pairs[num_element_value_pairs] }" type elements) (defstruct annotation-element (name "value") tag finalizer writer) (defstruct (primitive-or-string-annotation-element (:include annotation-element (finalizer (lambda (self class) (let ((value (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self))) (etypecase value (boolean (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\Z) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-int (class-file-constants class) (if value 1 0)))) (character (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\C) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-int (class-file-constants class) (char-code value)))) (fixnum (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\I) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-int (class-file-constants class) value))) (integer (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\J) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-long (class-file-constants class) value))) (double-float (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\D) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-double (class-file-constants class) value))) (single-float (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\F) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-float (class-file-constants class) value))) (string (setf (annotation-element-tag self) (char-code #\s) (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) value))))))) (writer (lambda (self stream) (write-u1 (annotation-element-tag self) stream) (write-u2 (primitive-or-string-annotation-element-value self) stream))))) value) (defstruct (enum-value-annotation-element (:include annotation-element (tag (char-code #\e)) (finalizer (lambda (self class) (setf (enum-value-annotation-element-type self) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (enum-value-annotation-element-type self)) ;;Binary name as string (enum-value-annotation-element-value self) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (enum-value-annotation-element-value self))))) (writer (lambda (self stream) (write-u1 (annotation-element-tag self) stream) (write-u2 (enum-value-annotation-element-type self) stream) (write-u2 (enum-value-annotation-element-value self) stream))))) type value) (defstruct (annotation-value-annotation-element (:include annotation-element (tag (char-code #\@)) (finalizer (lambda (self class) (finalize-annotation (annotation-value-annotation-element-value self) class))) (writer (lambda (self stream) (write-u1 (annotation-element-tag self) stream) (write-annotation (annotation-value-annotation-element-value self) stream))))) value) (defstruct (array-annotation-element (:include annotation-element (tag (char-code #\[)) (finalizer (lambda (self class) (dolist (elem (array-annotation-element-values self)) (finalize-annotation-element elem class)))) (writer (lambda (self stream) (write-u1 (annotation-element-tag self) stream) (write-u2 (length (array-annotation-element-values self)) stream) (dolist (elem (array-annotation-element-values self)) (write-annotation-element elem stream)))))) values) ;;In proper order (defstruct (runtime-visible-annotations-attribute (:include annotations-attribute (name "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations"))) "4.8.15 The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute is a variable length attribute in the attributes table of the ClassFile, field_info, and method_info structures. The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute records runtime-visible Java program- ming language annotations on the corresponding class, method, or field. Each ClassFile, field_info, and method_info structure may contain at most one RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute, which records all the runtime-visible Java programming language annotations on the corresponding program element. The JVM must make these annotations available so they can be returned by the appropriate reflective APIs.") (defun finalize-annotations (annotations code class) (declare (ignore code)) (dolist (ann (annotations-list annotations)) (finalize-annotation ann class))) (defun finalize-annotation (ann class) (setf (annotation-type ann) (pool-add-class (class-file-constants class) (annotation-type ann))) (dolist (elem (annotation-elements ann)) (finalize-annotation-element elem class))) (defun finalize-annotation-element (elem class) (when (annotation-element-name elem) (setf (annotation-element-name elem) (pool-add-utf8 (class-file-constants class) (annotation-element-name elem)))) (funcall (annotation-element-finalizer elem) elem class)) (defun write-annotations (annotations stream) (write-u2 (length (annotations-list annotations)) stream) (dolist (annotation (reverse (annotations-list annotations))) (write-annotation annotation stream))) (defun write-annotation (annotation stream) (write-u2 (annotation-type annotation) stream) (write-u2 (length (annotation-elements annotation)) stream) (dolist (elem (reverse (annotation-elements annotation))) (write-annotation-element elem stream))) (defun write-annotation-element (elem stream) (when (annotation-element-name elem) (write-u2 (annotation-element-name elem) stream)) (funcall (annotation-element-writer elem) elem stream)) #| ;; this is the minimal sequence we need to support: ;; create a class file structure ;; add methods ;; add code to the methods, switching from one method to the other ;; finalize the methods, one by one ;; write the class file to support the sequence above, we probably need to be able to - find methods by signature - find the method's code attribute - add code to the code attribute - finalize the code attribute contents (blocking it for further addition) - |# (provide '#:jvm-class-file)