os: - linux - osx # Linux system # 'bionic' is latest Ubuntu LTS available on Travis dist: bionic # macOS system # 'xcode11.2' is macOS 10.14 xcode 11B41 osx_image: xcode11.2 # get the default java environment from Travis container language: java # N.b. this will possibly pull in additional Java runtimes addons: apt: packages: - ant - maven # Needed for rendering the User Manual # Unfortunately, installing TeX from scratch is judged too expensive computationally. # - texlive-full homebrew: update: true packages: - ant - maven # Needed for rendering the User Manual # Unfortunately, installing TeX from scratch is judged too expensive computationally. # - mactex env: - ABCL_JDK=openjdk8 ABCL_ROOT=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} - ABCL_JDK=openjdk11 ABCL_ROOT=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} - ABCL_JDK=openjdk15 ABCL_ROOT=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} install: - echo PWD=$(pwd) && echo ABCL_ROOT=${ABCL_ROOT} - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-adoptjdk.bash ${ABCL_JDK} # Ensure we can invoke ant - . ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/ensure-jenv-is-present.bash && ant abcl.diagnostic # Set build and runtime options for the JVM hosting ABCL - bash -x ./ci/create-abcl-properties.bash ${ABCL_JDK} # Build ABCL - . ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/ensure-jenv-is-present.bash && ant abcl # Configure finding abcl build source via ASDF - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/asdf-finds-abcl.bash # Install Quicklisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --eval '(require :asdf)' --eval '(require :abcl-contrib)' --eval '(asdf:load-system :quicklisp-abcl :force t)' --eval '(progn (setf ql-util::*do-not-prompt* t)(ql:add-to-init-file))' --eval '(ext:quit)' # Install the patched version of cl+ssl # - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-cl+ssl.bash # Install the patched version of cffi # - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-cffi.bash # Install the patched version of static-vectors # - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-static-vectors.bash # Install Jeannie for testing - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-jeannie.bash # Install the ANSI-TEST suite - bash -x ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/install-ansi-test.bash # TODO: figure out how to add abcl to our path script: - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-abcl-prove.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-static-vectors.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-cffi.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-cl+ssl.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-abcl-introspect.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-abcl.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-jeannie.lisp # IRONCLAD takes a long time to test, so we place it near the end - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-ironclad.lisp - ${ABCL_ROOT}/abcl --batch --load ${ABCL_ROOT}/ci/test-ansi.lisp # This would build a release, which needs an installed TeX which is judged too # "expensive" to leave as the standard CI process # - pushd ${ABCL_ROOT} && ant abcl.release abcl.wrapper && popd # Print the hashes and sizes of build artifacts - pushd ${ABCL_ROOT} && ./abcl --batch --load ./ci/release.lisp && popd