(in-package :abcl/build) ;; TODO function to deal with looking up a locally preferred mirrors (defun ant-zip-uri () #p"https://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.9.16-bin.zip" #+(or) ;; need apache-ant-1.9 for JVM version 49.0 #p"https://www-eu.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.10.12-bin.zip") (defun xdg/ant-executable () (xdg/executable (ant-zip-uri) "bin/ant")) #+(or) (defun xdg/ant-executable () (let* ((uri (ant-zip-uri)) (directory (xdg/abcl-install-root uri)) (ant-root-name (let ((name (pathname-name uri))) (subseq name 0 (- (length name) (length "-bin"))))) (ant-home (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,ant-root-name)) directory)) (ant (merge-pathnames #p"bin/ant" ant-home)) result) (dolist (p (possible-executable-names ant)) (when (probe-file p) (return-from xdg/ant-executable (values (probe-file p) ant)))) ;; failure (values nil ant))) (defun ant/install () (unless (xdg/ant-executable) (xdg/install (ant-zip-uri) :type :unzip)) (values (xdg/ant-executable) (directory (merge-pathnames "**/*" (xdg/abcl-install-root (ant-zip-uri)))))) (defparameter *ant-home* nil) (define-condition no-installed-ant (error) ((searched)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (declare (ignore condition)) (format stream "Unable to introspect Apache Ant installation.")))) ;; TODO after this routines executes *ANT-EXECUTABLE-DIRECTORY* and XDG/ANT-EXECUTABLE will work (defun ensure-ant (&key (ant-home nil ant-home-p)) "Ensure that Apache Ant may be invoked, installing one if necessary" (cond ((and (null ant-home) ant-home-p) (warn "Unimplemented explicit auto-configuration run.")) ((and ant-home ant-home-p) (warn "Unimplemented explicit configuration with specified directory directory.")) (t (if *ant-home* *ant-home* (restart-case (let ((ant-home (some-directory-containing "ant"))) (unless ant-home (signal 'no-installed-ant)) (setf *ant-home ant-home)) (install-ant () (ant/install))))))) (defmacro with-ensured-ant ((ant) &body body) `(progn (unless ,ant (setf ,ant (ensure-ant))) ,@body)) (defun ant/call (ant-file target-or-targets) "Synchronously invoke external Apache Ant on ANT-FILE with TARGET-OR-TARGETS" (let ((ant-file-pathname (if (typep ant-file 'pathname) ant-file (merge-pathnames ant-file))) ant) (with-ensured-ant (ant) (warn "About to invoke synchronous call to run external proccess…") (uiop:run-program `(,ant "-buildfile" ,(stringify ant-file-pathname) ,@(listify target-or-targets)) :ignore-error-status t :error-output :string :output :string))))