(in-package :abcl/build) (defun maven-zip-uri () #p"https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.6.3/binaries/apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.zip") (defun xdg/mvn-executable () (xdg/executable (maven-zip-uri) "bin/mvn")) (defparameter *maven-install-root* nil) (defun mvn/install () "Unless (XDG/MVN-EXECUTABLE) install a version of Maven in the XDG hierarchy Returns the local path of the resulting mvn executable." (unless (xdg/mvn-executable) (xdg/install (maven-zip-uri) :type :unzip)) (values (xdg/mvn-executable) (directory (merge-pathnames "**/*" (xdg/abcl-install-root (maven-zip-uri)))))) (defparameter *mvn-home* nil) (define-condition no-installed-maven (error) ((searched :initarg :searched)) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (declare (ignore condition)) (format stream "Unable to introspect local Apache Maven installation.")))) (defun ensure-maven (&key (mvn-home *mvn-home* mvn-home-p) (use-xdg-mvn nil use-xdg-mvn-p)) "Ensure that the implementation can find and execute the Maven build tool If MVN-HOME is specified, attempt to configure use of that directory." (declare (ignore use-xdg-mvn use-xdg-mvn-p)) (cond ((and (null mvn-home) mvn-home-p) (warn "Unimplemented explicit auto-configuration run.")) ((and mvn-home mvn-home-p) (warn "Unimplemented explicit configuration with specified directory directory.")) (t (if *mvn-home* *mvn-home* (restart-case (let ((mvn-home (some-directory-containing "mvn"))) (unless mvn-home (signal 'no-installed-maven)) (setf *mvn-home* mvn-home)) (install-maven () (mvn/install))))))) (defmacro with-ensured-mvn ((maven) &body body) `(progn (unless ,maven (setf ,maven (ensure-maven)) ,@body))) (defun mvn/call (pom-file target-or-targets) (let (mvn) (with-ensured-mvn (mvn) (uiop:run-program `(,mvn "--file" ,(stringify pom-file) ,@(listify target-or-targets)) :output :string))))