(in-package :jss) (defclass sharp-quote-expression-reader (javaparser) ()) (defun read-sharp-java-expression (stream) (read-sharp-quote-expression (with-output-to-string (s) (loop with embedded-string = nil for last = #\space then char for char = (read-char stream) until (and (char= char #\") ;; really end if: we've established embedded string and the peek is a space ;; we're not about to start embedded string. We're about to start embedded string if next character isn't #\). ;; we're not embedded-string and not about to start one (cond ((null (peek-char nil stream nil)) t) ;; eof (embedded-string (system:whitespacep (peek-char nil stream))) ; embedded " needs "" to end ((find last ",(+=" :test 'char=) (setq embedded-string t) nil) (t t))) do (write-char char s))))) (defun read-sharp-quote-expression (string) (multiple-value-bind (bindings de-lisped) (extract-lisp-expressions string) (let ((read (read-java-expression (make-instance 'sharp-quote-expression-reader) de-lisped))) (loop for (var nil) in bindings do (setq read (tree-replace (lambda(e) (if (equalp e (string var)) var e)) read ))) (if bindings `(let ,bindings ,read) read)))) (defun extract-lisp-expressions (string) (let ((bindings nil)) (let ((de-lisped (replace-all string "\\{(.*?)\\}" (lambda(match) (let ((replacevar (find-symbol-not-matching string (mapcar 'car bindings)))) (push (list replacevar (read-from-string match)) bindings) (string replacevar))) 1))) (values bindings de-lisped)))) (defun find-symbol-not-matching (string already) (loop for candidate = (format nil "JSS_~a" (random 10000)) until (and (not (member candidate already :test 'equalp :key 'string)) (not (search string already))) finally (return-from find-symbol-not-matching (intern candidate :jss)))) (defun maybe-class (el) (if (and (symbolp el) (upper-case-p (char (string el) 0)) (not (eql (search "JSS_" (string el)) 0))) `(find-java-class ',el) (if (symbolp el) (intern (string-upcase el)) el))) (def-java-read ObjectCreationExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () `(new ',(process-node obj (#"getName" (#"getType" node))) ,@(mapcar (lambda(e) (process-node obj e)) (j2list (#"getArguments" node)))) ) (def-java-read MethodCallExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () (let* ((scope1 (process-node obj (process-node obj (#"getScope" node)))) (how (if (and (symbolp scope1) (not (null scope1)) (upper-case-p (char (string scope1) 0))) 'jstatic 'jcall))) (if (and (symbolp scope1) (not (null scope1)) (upper-case-p (char (string scope1) 0))) (setq scope1 `(find-java-class ',scope1))) `(,how ,(#"getIdentifier" (#"getName" node)) ,(or scope1 'this) ,@(mapcar 'maybe-class (mapcar (lambda(el) (process-node obj el)) (j2list (#"getArguments" node))))) )) (def-java-read FieldAccessExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () (let ((scope (process-node obj (#"getScope" node)))) (if (and (symbolp scope) (upper-case-p (char (string scope) 0))) `(get-java-field ',(process-node obj (#"getScope" node)) ,(#"getIdentifier" (#"getName" node)) t) `(get-java-field ,(maybe-class (process-node obj (#"getScope" node))) ,(#"getIdentifier" (#"getName" node)) t)))) (def-java-read ArrayAccessExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () (let ((index (process-node obj (#"getIndex" node)))) (if (symbolp index) (setq index (intern (string-upcase index)))) `(aref ,(process-node obj (#"getName" node)) ,index))) (def-java-read ClassExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () (let ((name (process-node obj (#"getName" (#"getType" node))))) (if (eql (search "JSS_" (string name) :test 'equalp) 0) name `(find-java-class ',name)))) (def-java-read NameExpr sharp-quote-expression-reader () (process-node obj (#"getName" node)))