{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (4 matches)

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Mark Evenson (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#118 Lisp.getUpgradedElementType returns more types than supported by 'make_array.java' libraries 1.9.3 defect 01/02/11

The above leads to possible failure: each upgraded element type has its own associated defaultInitialValue. If the code does not specify the right initial value, NIL is taken, which probably is not a good fit.

#391 "bad place for a wild pathname" on EXT:PROBE-DIRECTORY for NAME containing #\* interpreter 1.9.3 defect 06/19/15

John Pallister on #abcl reported problems with configuring ASDF via (asdf:initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry (:tree (:home "src/synchromesh")) :inherit-configuration)) for which he later traced down to problems with a pathname NAME containing a #\* character:

<synchromesh> Ooh, that's interesting - EXTENSIONS:PROBE-DIRECTORY has found a filename in the specified directory tree that contains a "*".
<synchromesh> Then (much deeper) org.armedbear.lisp.probe_file$pf_probe_directory.execute(probe_file.java:88) throws the error.   

The exact error cases here still needs to be determined.

TBD: What does it mean to PROBE-{DIRECTORY,FILE} on a PATHNAME containing #\*?

#346 runtime-class constructors not supported java 1.9.3 defect 02/06/14

The :constructors argument to java:jnew-runtime-class is not supported and causes an error if one tries to specify a constructor.

#436 feature request maven exclude dependency other 1.9.3 enhancement 01/12/17

Like this: https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-dependency-plugin/examples/exclude-dependencies-from-dependency-analysis.html

To prevent dependencies from one maven artifact from stepping on another. Which they are doing. (each loads a different version)

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