Compiler error
Patrick Stein reports <> that the following forms cannot be loaded in their compiled representation:
;;; This program causes the ABCL compiler to generate code it cannot load.
;;; The code compiles and loads correctly if you do any of the following:
;;; * change BUFSIZE to be 'INTEGER instead of '(INTEGER 0 100)
;;; * delete the INLINE declaration for BUFFER-LENGTH
;;; * delete the FTYPE declaration for BUFFER-LENGTH
;;; * delete the TYPE declaration for NEW-CAPACITY
(deftype bufsize () '(integer 0 100))
(declaim (inline buffer-length)
(ftype (function () bufsize) buffer-length))
(defun buffer-length ()
(the bufsize 10))
(defun calculate-new-buffer-length (new-capacity)
(declare (type bufsize new-capacity))
(min (buffer-length) new-capacity))
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