Reader doesn't recognize terminating characters in some cases
Things like #\Space; signals
Unrecognized character name: "Space;"
(set-macro-character #\? (lambda (stream char) (code-char (read stream nil nil t))))
'(a .?0)
Dot context error.
Both cases are a result of hard-coded checks for terminating macro-characters, and in case of #\ it's only '(' and ')'.
The attached patch fixes both issues.
Change History (7)
Summary: |
Reder doesn't recongize terminating characters in some cases →
Reader doesn't recongize terminating characters in some cases
Summary: |
Reader doesn't recongize terminating characters in some cases →
Reader doesn't recognize terminating characters in some cases
Component: |
other →
Milestone: |
→ 1.2.0
Owner: |
changed from somebody to ehuelsmann
Version: |
→ 1.2.0-dev
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
new →
(In [14357]) Fixes #294: Reader doesn't recognize terminating characters in some cases.
Patch and test by Stas.